I should warn you. In no way do I think I am ready to run this half marathon in ten days. But I'm going too, and I will finish, even if I have to slowly jog across the finish line.
My training has been so sporadic the last several weeks. I knew it would be too, if we were to get jobs and move. Which we did. The husband and I both landed full time jobs around the end of March, as well as found an apartment. So, we upped and moved out of my parents house finally and over to our new home. But in the meantime, I still have to commute forty minutes to work each day, and we've been working on painting and unpacking, so I'm using my mornings to train. Not this morning though. For some reason it frosted over and I h.a.t.e. running in the cold.
I'm full of excuses really. I'm just not sure how set on this half I am. I thought it would be great to sign up and run another one since it has been four years since my last race. But my body is so tired of simply running a lot of miles. Again, excuses because I just cannot find time for yoga to stretch out and I n.e.e.d. that. I can tell I'm getting older and my body is once again changing. It's not nearly as flexible nor as willing as it used to be.
Plus there's the aspect of a new town... finding whole new running routes (and at 4:30 in the am is NOT fun)... and just simply running by myeslf. I'm tired of it. Really tired.
So, since my husband is still burnt out from his army running, and I don't know anyone in town, I've been slacking majorly on my training. I mean, I know I can finish, but it's going to be long and hard. But I will finish.
And I'm starting to think I might just start a running club here in town. The closest two clubs are both thiry-five miles away in opposite directions. This is a small town, but it needs a club. And somebody has to do it.
Here's to counting down until my race. I think I can... I think I can... I think I can...
I know you can....I know you can.....I know you can......